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学名:Paratalanta annulate
Adult. Male wing expanse 30.0–37.5 mm. Vertex yellowish-white; frons white, with creamy white stripes laterally. Labial palpus with first segment white, second and third segments pale ochreous yellow on outer surface, creamy white on inner surface, third segment white on ventral surface. Maxillary palpus yellowish brown basally, creamy white terminally. Basal scaling of proboscis creamy white. Antenna with scape white, flagellum yellowish brown. Fore leg pale fuscous, tibia and outside of tarsus white, distal end of tarsus somewhat yellow; mid and hind legs greyish fuscous, tarsus of hind leg pale yellow. Wings pale yellow, markings pale brown. Fore wing densely covered with pale brown scales anteriorly; antemedial line sinuate, from costal 1/5 to basal 1/3 of 1A, then to dorsal 1/4; cell pale grayish brown, orbicular and reniform stigmata indistinct; postmedial line serrate from costal 3/4 almost parallel with termen to middle of CuA2, extending inwardly to near middle of 1A joining antemedial line, then sinuate to dorsal 1/2; subterminal line straight, parallel with termen, serrate along inner margin. Hind wing with postmedial line from costal 2/3 almost parallel with termen to CuA1, extending inwardly to basal 2/3 of CuA 2, then straightly to dorsal 1/2; subterminal line as fore wing. Fringe concolourous with wings. Female wing expanse 29.0–34.0 mm. Fore wing with markings straw yellow, not covered with pale brown scales anteriorly, with termen obliquely blunt, orbicular and reniform stigmata conspicuous. Male genitalia. Uncus nearly triangular, clothed with setae along dorsal surface and lateral margins. Transtilla separate, sparsely setose. Valva rectangular, somewhat narrowed from before apex, apex bluntly rounded; editum with basal 3/5 strap-shaped, distal 2/5 inflated into fan-shape; sella short and hooked. Saccus triangular. Juxta irregularly rounded, concave in V-shaped at middle on posterior margin. Phallus about 2/3 length of valva, with a ring-shaped cornutus at distal end. Female genitalia. Anterior apophysis curved, slightly longer than posterior apophysis. Antrum developed and sclerotized; posterior margin concave, with setae on postero-lateral margin; with a pair of sclerotized finger-shaped lateromedial processes extending outwards; anteriorly with a rounded membranous sac. Ductus bursae long, about three times length of corpus bursae. Corpus bursae globular, signum almost 3/5 diameter of corpus bursae; appendix bursae originating near base of corpus bursae.